
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lasagna Bed Update - Feast and Famine

Front of the bed struggles, while the
rear of the bed flourishes. 
What is going on in my garden these days?  Well, it is pretty much feast or famine.  Certain things are growing like crazy (corn, squash), while others languish (peppers, certain tomatoes, onions).  I don't quite understand why this is happening, but I have a few suspects (more after the jump):

1) Wood Chips in the Lasagna bed.  I used to create my lasagna bed because I didn't have good access to other brown materials at the time.  Have the wood chips soaked up the nitrogen in the last six months, creating more of a mulch environment than a gardening environment?  I hope this is the case, and that the wood chips will start to release the nitrogen in seasons to come.

2)  The other suspect is light.  I get pretty good sun on these plants, as shown by the size of the corn and squash, but wonder if a lack of light (I get around six hours direct sun) is causing these plants to languish.

3)  Too much water?  One thing I love about this lasagna bed concept is that it holds water incredibly well.  Even after a solid two weeks of weather in the mid to high nineties, my soil hasn't dried out.  Is that causing my plants to die due to over-watering?

4)  Seedlings.  Everything I planted is from seed.  It seems to germinate fine but doesn't do much once it pops up out of the ground.  I've had plenty of plants sit for weeks at seedling stage and never take off.  It is frustrating, but hopefully a problem that doesn't continue.

I keep telling myself that the failure is part of the fun that makes the successes so enjoyable.  I'll continue to research and update accordingly...

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